“New book, new book, new booooook,” in Robert Freeman’s singing voice.

I’m at my work table, listening to music, reminiscing and writing in my new booooook. Things are good.

I just finished reading about the last time I got new writing materials, and I remember when I wrote that I’d fill my new book with stories and random thoughts for you. All the cards on the table, I wrote that line with half a heart because I didn’t think I was going to accomplish that. I thought I’d run out of creativity or I’d give up. But here I am, almost two years later, with a new book because that one is filled up.

This book wasn’t my first choice but I couldn’t afford the one I wanted. I am happy I got this one, though. Every time I look at it, I get a nice little reminder that my dreams can still come true, I just need courage.

So, dear reader, thank you for being with me and it is with a fuller heart i write that I hope to fill yet another book with stories and all such shenanigans for you.

And, yes, I am saving all these books. Maybe one day, when I’m older and my screenplays have been produced and my books published, my children will stumble onto them in my study and make fun of my handwriting.

P.S. I also read From the jotter of a weirdo and I realised I need to start writing my truly random thoughts again.