What am I doing at the moment?

One day, when I’m grown and I have a lot of money, I’ll build a really big multipurpose hall and call it The Moment.

What would happen at The Moment?


I’ll do a survey before I build it. I’ll go on the streets and ask a million people what they’re doing at the moment and whatever their answer is, there’ll be a dedicated space for it at The Moment, even for the people who say “Nothing much”.

There’ll be a space for me, too. Just one, though, because I’m always doing the same thing at every moment; letting my imagination run wild. Even when I’m sleeping. You should see my dreams, you’d be too entertained to watch anything else ever again.

On second thought, maybe I’ll build a second space for myself. I’ll dedicate it to the times I get the courage to put my imagination on paper.

Rock, Paper, Scissors

One day, an armed man will come into The Moment and hold everyone captive. The police will arrive first, then the army. He’d secure the building so they wouldn’t be able to come in. Then the news crews will arrive. He’ll see on the TV that it’s being reported and he’ll get excited and surrender.

The news crews will interview him and he’ll say that he’s a photographer who wanted the publicity of being the only person in human history to completely and successfully capture the moment. His story will amuse everyone, me most of all. It won’t be enough to keep him out of prison though.

Don’t drop the soap

I like this writing thing and I think I’m good at it so that’s what I’m doing at the moment. Let’s see how it goes.

Before you leave, please take a moment to give me a head start on that survey so I can have a dedicated space for you at The Moment. What are you doing at the moment?