Jake still held his eyes shut even when he could no longer hear the machine whir. His heart was beating faster than ever before. The only way he could know for sure that it had worked was by opening his eyes but his nerves clasped his eyelids together.

He couldn’t just stand there forever with his eyes shut and he knew it. It was his moment of truth. He took deep breaths; in and out, in and out, in and out, and finally opened his eyes; the left one first, then the right.

He was in a small room surrounded by cleaning supplies and a chair with a janitor’s uniform draped over it. Slowly, he reached out to turn over the uniform to see the insignia on it.

“Please be it, please be it, please be it,” he whispered to himself as returned it over and saw the logo of ZigZag secondary school on it.


He started jumping and dancing in the supply closet. Then he quickly stopped himself. If this had, indeed, worked the way he intended it, then he needed to get out of there ASAP.

He ran his hands over his body to make sure everything was intact and checked for the device in his pocket—his return ticket.

He checked his wristwatch; It was time. He collected himself and slipped out into the secondary school hallway where he walked briskly and hid behind some lockers. He was just in time, too, because as he hid, a teenage boy burst out of a room down the hallway and started running.

The boy had used a book as a shield so nobody would see his face as he ran into the same supply closet Jake had just walked out from to let out a good cry.

Jake watched the boy all the way and immediately the door of the closet closed, his expression stiffened. He squared his shoulders and walked to the room where the boy had emerged from. He barged in, saw three girls giggling in the corner of the classroom and charged at them.

“Who are you?” the girl in the middle asked the stranger staring at them with a frown on his face.

“That doesn’t matter you underachieving half-wit”


“What did you just say?” the two other girls stood up with a puff in their chest.

“SHUT UP! You will sit down and for once in your lives, you will listen to me!” the bass in his voice caused them to tremble. They sat down in fear and he continued, “You know how you’re in an argument and you can’t think of a right comeback to save your life and then when you’re reflecting on it later, you think of a comeback?”

The girls just stared at him, their confusion evident by the expressions on their faces.

He continued, “Well, it’s taken me years but I’ve come up with the perfect comeback. See the boy you just insulted and made run out of here crying, that was me, from the past”

The girls were still confused. They exchanged glances and looked back at the strange man towering over them. Their expressions were blank now.

He groaned, “Jeez, okay, I’m not going to explain to you the physics of this, just know that I’m here to tell you your futures… cause they’re bad… I’m just going to start.” He started with the girl on the left, “You. You’ve already stopped growing so in the future, you’re freakishly short and heels don’t do you and favours. Also, that acne on your face never clears up so, yeah.”

Then he went to the girl on the right, “You. Mark dumps you, publicly, and then you go off to college and get fat.”

Finally, he turned to the girl in the middle, “And you. Tiffany, Tiffany, Tiffany,” he smiled, “I told you I liked you and you cursed me out in front of your friends. Now here you are giggling about it. Well, ‘Hot Tiffany’ you’ll be glad to know that nickname doesn’t make it with you for very long. Yep. You grow up and get married to a guy who turns out to be very fertile, so you have six children in four years and, well, you never really recover.”

He catches his breath and smiles with satisfaction when he sees the look of horror in their eyes, “Well, my job here is done.”

He walked out with his shoulders higher than ever. He was finally satisfied.

A couple of seconds later, the girl on the right started giggling. The other two looked at her, horrified and still confused.

“What’s so funny?” they asked.

Still giggling, she responded, “You guys didn’t see it? The whole time he was standing there, he had toilet paper sticking out of his shoe.”

Before long, the three girls forgot everything he said because they were too busy laughing at Jake.

Cover Photo by GR Stocks on Unsplash