It is 10:13pm on the 27th of March, 2021. I am staring at the clock on the lower right corner of my laptop screen. It is hard to comprehend that in a few hours, I would lose an hour. 

Yes, you read that correctly. I would lose an hour. Okay for more context, British Summer Time (BST) starts tomorrow, that means an extra hour would be added to the time. This is where the lack of comprehension comes from. How do you add an hour to time? Better yet, how do you take away an hour from time? This whole thing does not make sense to me.

I believe that a group of people who work in a time/clock factory overslept and got late for work on a beautiful sunny day. Because they were such geniuses in physics or geography (or whatever was/is the umbrella term for a discipline that focused/s on time and space), they concocted a story to tell their superiors. This story involved the sun rising  and setting; it created the concept of solstice and all other geographic terms we use these days to describe longer days and shorter nights and vice versa.  When summoned by the Time Keepers (TKs) to explain the reason for their tardiness, these people told their story and the TKs believed them; not just because it was a good story or a perfect explanation to their tardiness, but also because the TKs trusted these people and their judgments. 

All clocks in the town and the rest of the country were then adjusted by adding an hour to it and now, we experience this loss of an hour because some people woke up late. In my opinion, that is what happened. There is no other logical explanation. I mean, if you have a different idea, I would love to hear it. 

Anyway, this does not explain why I keep staring at the time on my laptop. Well, I am curious to see the clock jump from 12am to 2am. I want to watch my devices completely ignore the 1am hour. Honestly, this whole talk about losing time and time keeping reminds me of secondary school.  I think the people that held the most power then were the TKs. I mean, imagine being able to control what people do and when they do it just by the ring of a bell. I believe these TKs knew the power they had; I mean, do you guys remember how cool they felt ringing that bell, even their walking posture showed it. Whenever a class was boring, they rang the bell earlier and when it was really interesting, they “forget” to ring the bell. It was a blessing to have a TK as a member of your class. This one time, I was in JSS3 then and the TKs adjusted the school’s main clock in such a way that we closed from school that day at 3pm when the normal closing time was 4:20pm. The teachers did not realise this mistake till most of the students had left, so there was nothing they could do about it. Although these guys were punished the next day, they remain my heroes till date. If you guys are reading this, Thank You for the extra hour. 



Okay, so I fell asleep and didn’t get to see the clocks change. It is kinda upsetting because the past few weeks I have barely slept and the day I choose to put that insomnia to good use, it decides to betray me. You really cannot trust anyone or anything. I guess I would just have to wait till October, when I would be gaining an extra hour. That would actually be more fascinating to watch. I mean the clocks would repeat an hour. Wow!

One last thing before I end this, I know you may have already noticed the difference in the voice or writing style, but to confirm your suspicions, No, I am not the Cute Weirdo or the Genius. I am just me, the person who would add a burst of colors with a dash of fairy dust to this magical place. I am excited to be on this journey and I hope you would enjoy reading my thoughts. 

Till next time.