Whilst thou goest about thy day, seeking the great meaning of life, here be some sundry thoughts to muse upon. I have, with great toil, sorted them into kinds for thee. Ne’er say I did nought kind for thee.


The concept of Robin hood is all well and good until you hustle to make it out of the hood and be successful only to be robbed back into it.

If the wealthy get robbed so that the poor can get wealthy, what happens to the poor when they get wealthy?

No rules

I’ve heard them say in movies that the only rule is that there are no rules. But if “There are no rules” is a rule, doesn’t that mean that there are rules?

Rock, paper, scissors

It makes no sense. I mean, sure, rock breaks scissors and scissors cut paper but paper wins because it covers rock? So I guess blankets are just superior to human beings, right? And, no, I’m not just saying this because I always lose at this game. These are serious issues, the game makes no sense.

Time travel

Contrary to public information, the time machine has been invented. They just masked it by calling it a different name. I believe the medical term for it is amnesia. Here’s how it works: if you want to travel 20 years into the future, all you need to do right now is to make a plan that in 20 years, you’ll bang your head so hard that you’ll forget the past 20 years of your life.

How will you know it worked? You’ll know it worked when you go to bed tonight and wake up in a hospital bed 20 years from now with a nasty headache.

What if I wake up tomorrow and everything is normal? Well, one of three things happened. Either future you chickened out or didn’t hit your head hard enough or hit your head too hard. Like, way too hard (skull and bones emoji).

I should warn you though, this is not an exact science and it’s also a one-way trip.


A bad day does not a bad life make

It’s easier said than done, I know. But it has to be said so it can be done.

When the going gets hot, be cool to one another, yo.

You can also enjoy the first installation of musings from my jotter. Don’t forget to like, comment, share and subscribe. Have a wonderful week and I’ll see you next Sunday.